Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bareback and Bridleless

Today was really really great. :D I still have no saddle, so I've been riding bareback pretty much every day. My seat has gotten so much better than it was when I first got him. I really want to canter him bareback but since he's bucked pretty much every time I've asked for the canter in the past, I'm worried that he's going to do it again. I believe the bucking was due to poor saddle fit, but I don't want to take the chance because I really don't think I could sit a buck bareback right now.

I did however pop him over a little cross rail today! He was so great. I was hoping he'd pick up the canter on his own without a buck after the cross rail, but I didn't ask for the canter at all. He never ended up cantering with me on his back, but he did drop down to roll, LOL! I was standing in a sandy spot in the small ring talking to my husband when he decided that right there was the perfect spot for a roll. I let him drop down to the ground and hopped off right before he had a  good roll. What a silly boy.

After that I took off his bridle and just let him walk around with me on his back. Eventually I'd love to be able to really ride him bareback and bridleless, (as in walking, trotting, cantering, and a few crossrails) but we are a long way from that.

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