Monday, February 14, 2011


Bourbon's eye is pretty much all healed up. The boots I was using rubbed the bulbs of his heels, so I can't use those anymore. He's still pretty sore on the gravel but he's fine on soft ground like grass and the dirt arena. I hope his feet toughen up soon so we can go for a trail ride. Either that or maybe there is some other kind of boot that would work for him without rubbing his heels.

He is in his new pen now. It's 26 feet by 40 feet (1040 square feet) and has a covered area. He seems to love it. He has room to roll and even trot around a bit. Knock on wood, he hasn't injured himself since he's been in there.

I lunged him for a bit today and sent him over a small vertical a couple times. He really perked up and seemed to enjoy jumping. I put a saddle on him, got on and trotted him around a bit. He was super responsive but he did keep looking at the jump. I pointed him towards it and he jumped it perfectly and confidently and cantered off, ON THE RIGHT LEAD! Not only the correct lead, THE RIGHT ONE! I couldn't have been more proud of him. No bucking, just a happy horse enjoying jumping and cantering off beautifully on the right, correct lead. I was in heaven.

It seems so simple looking at it, but it's a huge step for us and it was an incredible feeling.

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